Treatment for Diabetes has to be tailored for every individual. Your treating physician can help determine how a specific regimen may fit into your overall treatment plan. It is important to understand that depending upon your type of diabetes, blood glucose levels, age, height, weight and other associated conditions your doctor decides the treatment plan. 

The following commonly asked questions can provide you an overview of medical intervention for managing Diabetes mellitus: 

Children and adults with type 1 diabetes need to resort to Insulin replacement since there is very little or no insulin secretion by their pancreas. 

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disorder. It starts with predominant insulin resistance and gradual failure of insulin secretion. As, there is a continuous destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells over time, additional top up of anti-diabetic agents is required to sustain adequate glucose control. Eventually Insulin therapy becomes essential. 

Medications to manage Diabetes can be classified as follows: 

  • Medications that stimulate pancreas to secrete more Insulin 
  • Medications that make the body more sensitive to actions of Insulin 
  • Medications that decrease sugar absorption by the intestines 
  • Medications that inhibit the production and release of glucose from the liver Medicines which prevent the kidneys from reabsorbing sugar into the blood. Instead, the sugar is excreted in urine 
  • Insulin therapy
  • Get a clear understanding from your doctor on how often which medication needs to be taken and at what time (before a meal, in between a meal or after a meal) 
  • Lifestyle interventions like healthy diet and exercise still hold their significance in having a good quality of life. They have to go hand in hand with the medical interventions